Turkmentelecom Telecommunication Agency”

Created on April 7, 1993. The head office is located in the city of Ashgabat. It has branches in all regions of Turkmenistan. The company covers all the main target markets of consumers of infocommunication services.

Today, the sphere of communications and telecommunications is rapidly becoming one of the most promising and dynamically developing sectors of the national economy. The decree of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved seven priority areas for the development of domestic science, including communications, especially in the field of development of modern communication technologies and automation of production

The improvement of the telecommunications sector is the most important aspect of the social policy carried out in Turkmenistan. Revolutionary changes in the telecommunications infrastructure of the country began already from the first days of independence. The purposeful policy of the young state to integrate into the world community has become the basis for global modernization and development of telecommunications based on the most advanced technology.

Having entered the world information space, the Ministry of Industry and Communications, the agency “Turkmenaragatnashyk” and its divisions have established active cooperation with many foreign countries, becoming members of international organizations – the International Telecommunication Union, the Universal Postal Union, the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications. The business partnership, based on the desire of the Turkmen state to continue dynamically developing the telecommunications system, brings not only real results, but also deserved recognition of colleagues in communications from other countries of the world.

In 2002, the authoritative international organization Business Initiative Directions (BID) awarded the telecommunications company "Turkmentelecom" the prestigious "Golden" category for the introduction of advanced technologies and high quality of communication. In 2006, in Madrid, at the competition held annually by BID among global companies and enterprises in the field of production of goods and services, Turkmentelecom was already awarded the "Platinum" category. Turkmen signalmen were awarded this high award for the international quality of services and stable technical and economic growth. And just recently, the work of the country's communications industry was awarded a new award. In Paris, the participants of the International Convention "Era of Quality", which includes representatives of official and business circles, scientists from leading universities of the world, high-class experts in the field of quality, on the basis of a survey of independent experts, awarded Turkmentelecom the main prize – a Diamond Star.

The telecommunications system continues to be one of the rapidly developing and promising areas of the national economy. The successful implementation of a number of major investment projects, such as the creation of a national cellular communications infrastructure, the construction of trunk and intra-zone optical and radio relay communication lines, the development of this sphere in rural areas, as well as the steady growth of financial and economic indicators of the industry is the result of timely and high–quality solutions to the tasks set for domestic signalmen by the National Program "Strategy of Economic, political and cultural development of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2020". The state program provides for further comprehensive development of the communications infrastructure.