Door-to-door courier delivery from Turkmenposhta: advantages and features


The postal service company "Turkmenposhta" offers a door-to-door courier delivery service.

Turkmen citizens are attracted to the courier delivery service, as it has a number of advantages:

- convenience and time saving: the client does not need to transport or send the parcel to the post office himself. The courier will pick it up from the sender and deliver it to the recipient.

- guarantee of cargo safety: the company’s couriers undergo special training and are responsible for the safety of the cargo.

- the opportunity to receive additional services.

Door-to-door courier delivery from Turkmen Post is intended for everyone who wants to quickly and conveniently send or receive a parcel.

To call a courier, you can use the company’s website, phone number (+993 12) 92 14 95, or the Çapar mobile application.

Download the Çapar mobile application on Google Play and App Store.


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